Active And Passive Candidates: When it comes to candidates, it’s assumed that they’re all the same and that the majority of them are actively looking for new opportunities. While this is true for many, many others do not: they already have a job and are not actively looking for another. The two types of candidates are active and passive candidates. While the former are more “recognizable” because they respond to ads and search LinkedIn, the…
"A Step-by-step Guide To Recruit Active And Passive Candidates"Month: July 2019
For the time being, virtual events are the only option in the events industry because to the COVID-19 epidemic. However, many people do not know the area, and this adds to the confusion. To guarantee success, event specialists are creating new positions. COVID-19 outbreak has interfered with precisely planned 2020 actions and objectives. Virtual events appear to be the only practical alternative for events that are limited by travel, lockout, and unpredictable recovery periods. Planning…
"New Roles in Virtual Events Planning:"